República del Ecuador
South America
Area 284K km²
Arable 5%
Population 15.7M (52/km²)
Gov’t Republic
Capital Quito (1.6M)
GCP/capita $10,600
In poverty 26%
Wealth owned by top 10 percent 38%
Life expectancy 76 yrs
Infant Mortality 18/1K live births
Literacy 92%
Languages Spanish, Quechua, other
Religions Catholic, other
Labor Force Agriculture 28%, industry 18%, services 54%
PCVs 1962–present CURRENT: 112, TTD: 6,200; youth development, education, health
Adult Books
Living Poor: A Peace Corps Chronicle
Moritz Thomsen, 1990
Publisher: University of Washington Press
Format: Paperback, 280 pages
ISBN-10: 0295969288 / ISBN-13: 978-0295969282
Synopsis: At the age of 48, Moritz Thomsen sold his pig farm and joined the Peace Corps. As he tells the story, his awareness of the comic elements in the human situation—including his own—and his ability to convey it in fast-moving, earthy prose have made Living Poor a classic.
Kids' Books
Roses for Isabella
Diana Cohn, illus Amy Córdova, 2011, AGES 6+
Publisher: Steiner Books, Great Barrington, MA
ISBN: 9780880107310
Synopsis: Isabella writes for a school assignment about the new "fair trade" rose farm in Ecuador where her parents work.
Documentary: The Death of Jaime Roldós
Director: Lisandra I. Rivera and Manolo Sarmiento, 2013
Languages: Spanish with English subtitles
Film: Feriado (Holiday)
Director: Diego Araujo, 2014
Languages: Spanish
Ecuador 2016
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Wisconsin-Madison is a public charity registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. Its EIN is 39-1669348. It is also an affiliate group of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).