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Jordan 2009 - Recipes

Mansef/Chicken with Bone

4 kilos of lamb
1 Kilo of Whey
2 Kilos of Egyptian Rice
Pine Nuts and Fried Almonds/p>

1. Whey is washed and soaked in water for an hour, then mashed with the blender moulinex, then dried out.
2. Meat is washed and put in a tray and soaked in water.
3. Onion (chopped into squares) is added, then meat is boiled to be rather cooked.
4. Meat is removed and soup is taken.
5. Whey juice is mixed with the soup and left to boil, it can be thickened with cornstarch as wished.
6. Meat is added and it is kept on fire until soup and meat are cooked well.
7. Rice is cooked, and then two or three Arabic loaves are put in the tray.
8. Rice is put on the bread in the shape of a pyramid, then pieces of meat are arranged on the surface.
9. Mansef is decorated with the pine nuts and almonds.
10. Mansef is served with hot whey juice and sprayed on mansef as wished.

Jordan 2009 - Recipes

  • Mansef/Chicken with Bone

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